Strategic Divinity: How to Influence Your Treasures and Echoes

Divine Domains are a cornerstone of Echoes of Myth’s design, serving as the primary way to balance randomness with player agency. They represent the lingering power of eight gods—deities who have fallen silent, leaving their essence behind for the player to tap into. While the universe of Echoes of Myth is home to many gods, these eight are the ones the player’s character has an intuitive connection with, enabling the harnessing of their power.

Each divine echo, remnant, and divine treasure belongs to one of these eight domains, each with its own focus. Need gold but coming up short? Lakshmi’s domain is your best bet. Running a melee-focused build? Ares has you covered. Struggling with magical defenses or mana sustain? Väinämöinen’s blessings are what you need.

While you can't directly choose which divine treasures you obtain, you can heavily influence their properties by charting your path through the map toward a specific god’s treasure. The Fortune Teller’s prophecies further stack the odds in your favor, increasing the likelihood of desirable treasures appearing. Remnant echoes work similarly—major ones are acquired through map choices, while minor remnant echoes can be bought from vendors to shore up weak spots in your build.

Strategic Influence Over Divine Choices

The exact mechanism for how divine echoes (talents) are influenced by their respective domains is still evolving in design, but the goal is clear: players should have control over nudging their build in the right direction. The combination of map navigation and Fortune Teller’s influence allows players to guide divine treasure acquisition, while another yet-to-be-finalized system will provide a way to influence divine echo options.

Most builds won’t rely on a single divine domain but rather a set of two or three that best complement their playstyle.

For example, let’s say a player opts for a Sword Saint melee build:

  • For offense and utility:
    • Ares is the obvious go-to for raw melee offense.
    • Fujin increases attack speed and mobility.
  • For defense:
    • Tyr provides necessary defensive boosts.
    • Dagda offers extra health to sustain in battle.
While other other domains are not useless, Thoth for example would likely be a low-priority choice—unless a specific treasure grants spell-triggered buffs or secondary stats that fit the build.

Want to go full glass cannon? Just go for build-relevant offensive domains while avoiding Tyr, Dagda, and Väinämöinen (unless you need the mana sustain). Want to go for more of a tank build? Vice versa.

Learning the System: Optional Yet Rewarding

At first, players won’t necessarily know which divine domains suit their needs. And that’s fine. Divine domains are an advanced gameplay system that doesn’t need to be mastered right away. You can simply pick any path, collect fully random treasures and echoes, and still progress—just not as efficiently.

However, perceptive players quickly recognize the patterns. Gods like Ares are familiar from real-world mythology, making their thematic properties easier to grasp. As players grow more experienced, they start planning their builds more intentionally, leveraging the divine domains to optimize their power.

One final layer: spells also belong to specific divine domains, and increased spell-specific damage can only be found in treasures aligned with that domain.

The Divine Domains and Their Gods

DomainDivinityThemesAssociated primary stats
WarAres (Greek)War and conquest,
savage battle prowess
Melee damage
Melee crit chance
Crit dmg (melee + all)
Poise dmg
SorceryThoth (Egypt)Arcane wisdom, spellcraft,
and mastery over knowledge
Spell damage
Cast speed
Max mana
Mana cost reduction
GuardianTyr (Norse)Discipline, unyielding defense,
honor in battle
Dmg reduction
Armor %
StormFujin (Japanese)Unpredictable chaos,
relentless speed, stormbringer
Attack speed
Movement speed
Dash cooldown
Dash charge
FlamesPele (Polynesian)Devouring fire,
purification through destruction,
fiery accuracy
Fire dmg
Fire crit chance
All crit chance
Cooldown reduction
WealthLakshmi (Hindu)Fortune, commerce,
and divine prosperity
Gold quantity
Gold drop chance
Increased xp
Xp on kill
Map visibility
X against stunned / staggered / frozen
VitalityDagda (Celtic)Life-giver, endurance,
and deep healing
Health %
Life per hit when low on life
Poise restore rate
Stun length reduction
AetherwardVäinämöinen (Finnish)Arcane resilience,
enchanted fortitude,
divine protection,
mana restoration through physicality
Mana per hit
Mana per kill
Phys resist
All res
Magic res


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